Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Is your cellphone evil?

My first cellphone came with another person's list of contacts in it. No wonder Circuit City is in bankruptcy. My wife's latest Blackberry constantly told her she had 2 messages waiting. Were they evil? Well, this new campaign from Net10 would say so.

This attempt to be viral and relate to cellphone users' historically woeful problems certainly does stand out. If you didn't know what the video was for, it sucks you in with that age-old curiosity of "what happens when we put X into the microwave?" And then takes you to a curiously morbid website called:

At the site, you can learn about how evil your current cell phone service is, you can win prizes and you can see why Net10 might be a better choice. It's dark. It's a little contrived. But it's interesting and the viral video has nearly 1.5 million views on YouTube.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

BEWARE of the doghouse

Around this time of year, every guy has that "Oh crap!" moment. The moment where he realizes Christmas is not just on its way, but it's actually here and he really really needs to get his wife or girlfriend something. He'll think about what she's complained about around the house, ponder ideas that might have a nice emotional hook and then total panic will ensue.

Inevitability, many of these men will fumble big time by making absurd purchases like the Ron-Co Ultimate Potato Peeler or a nice new bouncy exercise ball or the very lame chocolate covered fruit. As a consequence of these poor purchases, our guys will spend the remainder of their 2008 snuggled up alone in the lovely confinements the infamous Doghouse.

Well, JC Penney and their very well put-together campaign Beware of the Doghouse sets out to help men everywhere avoid this predicament. And in the unfortunate case, how to get out of the Doghouse once you're in. They bring to life this metaphorical place in an Indie film sort of way. It's pretty funny. You can send warnings to those in doghouse danger or actually throw someone into this virtual setting.

However, my big complaint is that their wonderful solution to the Doghouse seems to be diamonds and only diamonds. Now I understand how diamonds could be a great help, but in this economy couldn't they offer a few more economical out-of-the-doghouse-tactics, please!

See more at:

Monday, December 15, 2008

Whopper Virgins Have Spoken

Crispin Porter broils up a fresh Whopper vs. Big Mac taste test. Not so juicy on the surface, however, for this challenge they travel to remote destinations such as Baan Khun Kiean, Thailand and Budesti, Romania to make it happen.

Yeah, I've never heard of 'em and they've never heard of a Whopper or Big Mac. That's the idea. Take "burger virgins,"serve them up some red meat goodness and get them to decide. Tasteologists might call bad logic. Others do call it exploitation of fastfood-deprived peoples. I call it interesting. It's a bit far-fetched and I kind of laugh at the sincerity of the BK/Crispin folks on how "this is a legitimate" anthropological study, but it is no doubt talk worthy. And that makes it good.

See WhopperVirgin for more.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

And you thought your holiday lights were sweet.

As I strolled the neighborhood streets with my dog last week, I witnessed the annual labors of Christmas light gurus all over. I saw a guy stacking candy canes on his roof while another was busy hammering hooks up and down his front porch. Festive? Competitive? Crafty? Maybe it's a little bit of all those things.

Anyhow, I also recently stumbled upon this clip highlighting the artistic feats of projection video. Created by some French Artists, labled NEOPROJ, these projections are 3D and use buildings, sidewalks and even cars as their canvas. Yeah, it's no hot-air Santa with a motion detector Red Nosed Rudolph, but it's still pretty sweet.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Top Ads for Today

I love finding terrific advertising so here's a collection of some of the latest I've seen that fall into that category. Click on any photo to enlarge.

Screeeeeech! That's the sound of people stopping to check out what this campaign from Mercedes is all about. An ad about brakes that has stopping power. Nice.

How do you show off your lifelike printing capabilities? See below from HP.

Ikea continues its clever ways with this interesting outdoor campaign for storage solutions.

What a great way to get someone to start thinking about their next vacation. Malaysia Airline's very clever tray table ads here helps hype their vacation packages by first by getting the potential customers excited about that next trip.

A McYawn? Yes, this pretty cool use of billboard technology makes a nice tactic to get someone thinking McDonald's and its burgers.

I've never worried about split ends personally, but I still like this ad from Pantene.

With all the bad news these days...

Here's another funny little greeting card site out there to help everyone get through it. The site's not so short title is Breaking Bad News with Baby Animals. Yes, what a better way to let someone you love know that you once were a man or that their newborn child is hideous looking than with the cute face of a tiny kitten. Pretty funny stuff. And just another good idea.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Getting in the holiday spirit

Before the sorry results of Black Friday and Cyber Monday pour in, before I find myself tired of snow and the pain it shovels in, before the hectic holidaze hits me like an eggnog hangover, I'd like to share some holiday fun and one of my favorite online applications from last year.

It's the OfficeMax Elf Yourself. Elf Yourself uses the infamous JibJab crew's expertise to enable you to create your very own Elf Dance. Users simply upload up to 5 photos and choose a musical style. Be it disco, country, charleston or classic. And voila, you're a dancing elf. This one stars my son and my dog.

Send your own ElfYourself eCards