Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ah, the Superbowl is almost here

With the big game looming, there are so many questions us marketing people have.

Will the ads suck?

Will the ads be more interesting to watch than Kurt Warner praising the lord for giving him Larry Fitzgerald to throw to?

Will these tough economic times make the funny commercials unfunny?

Will show cleavage in their commercial?

What animal will Budlight choose to make us laugh... a burping skunk, a sweaty penguin?

Which client will have wasted their 3 million dollar media buy?

Which agency will realize their big idea is not so big?

Anyhow, on Sunday we'll know the answers to these questions. And to get us all prepared and ready for this all so important day in advertising, here's a preview of Careerbuilder's campaign. It's pretty hilarious. That's of course, if you forget that most people right now are just happy to have a job, and that there are many who would gladly take a paycheck, even if it meant sitting next to a bald man in a banana hammock.

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