Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Battle of the Sexes

 Okay, who's smarter: Men or Women?

Chances are if you're guy, you answered one way. And if you're a woman, you went the opposite direction. Yes, this war of brain superiority has been waging for quite some time. And certainly there is no conclusive answer. However, Trivial Pursuit is attempting to shed some light on this fight with their very own online experiment.

At, you can go and try to answer an many trivia questions as you can. The correct male answers are tallied on one side, while the female ones on the other. This challenge is certain to spark debates, bragging, excuses and so on. It also does a nice job of getting people involved with a old brand/product called Trivial Pursuit. Along with every correct or incorrect answer, you are are given a funny youtube clip showcasing men and women doing not-so-smart things. You can even send a banter card to someone of the opposite sex with one of those embedded clips in it.

Watch the below promotional video. It beautifully sets up the battle. Right now the women are winning by a resounding 90,000 points.  Which as a man, makes me wonder "Are they smarter or do they have more free time." Just asking the question.

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