How do you get people to think about foot fungus? See the above shoe. Nasty? Yes. Disgusting? For sure. Effective? You bet. That's a fungal work of art from Lamisil.

Smooth Ice. Smooth shave. This is a perfect marriage of machinery for Gillette.

Okay, so I'm not sure I want to find myself on the beach staring at this guy's very pale ass. However, I enjoy the clever device of discarded clothing to draw one's attention. Fiji certainly contrasts nicely with the surrounding environment.

Not sure this ad tells me anything new, but it does deliver its message in a way I've never seen before. The print piece reacts to UV rays, showcasing who does (the semi-tanned female) and does not (the lobster-red guy) use Sundown sun block. Pretty cool.

This is such an excellent use of advertising space, I just want to break out into a jig... at the Camden Irish Music Festival of course.
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