Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Poo in Blue

My sincere apologies, as it's been a long time since I made a post. Anyhow, this product and commercial makes for a solid starting point to get back into things. It's for New Huggies Denim Diapers.

Yep, for a limited-time only, your little one can toddle with style. Certainly the absurdity of this product does not get past me. As the father of a 15-month old boy, I am more than fully aware that there is no need for "cooler" diapers and Huggies is not solving any kind of problem here. As no child, young enough for diapers, is thinking, "Mom, you know what, I would feel so much more confident with a killer pair of denim diapers."

However, with all that nonsense in mind, I do think these will sell. Parents love to play dress-up with their kids. They latch onto trends very quickly. And it is so ridiculous, it's actually fun. At first I wasn't sure if the commercial below was real or not. I think ad agency JWT has done a good job of not taking this product too seriously and acknowledging it's all in good fun. I particularly enjoyed the line, "When it's a number 2, I look like a number 1." 

I'm sure this product will get it's share of detractors, but that doesn't mean it's a bad marketing idea. Up next, Huggies by Kim Kardashian, you know for when you've got that extra junk in the trunk.