Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Nothing Fake about this Lip Sync

"A dying city," is what Newsweek magazine recently called Grand Rapids. A statement that the people of this Michigan town obviously took as fighting words. This video below is Grand Rapid's official response.

It's creative. It shows off the city, its people and the pride they share. It broke a World's record for size and scope of Lip-Dubbing. And it's the perfect example how to get attention by making something spectacular. Not to mention, it's a powerful way to make your point.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Browser Worthy

Here are 2 terrific videos created to hype the latest Google Chrome web browser. One is all about bells & whistles and incredibly sweet graphics. The other is all about heart and storytelling. Two very different approaches for the same product.

You may remember the Arcade Fire music video from last year. Well, Chrome continues to marry its message and its technology with music, design and an overall human touch.

This first video is called Rome: 3 Dreams of Black. I suggest going to the actual site, www.ro.me, where you and your cursor can steer the direction of the video. I also added a clip that details out the making of this video.

The second video is called, "Dear Sophie," and with a more emotional bent, it shows a father using Google to document his daughter's life and then also share it with the someday grown-up version of her. As someone with kids growing up oh-so-quickly, this really struck a chord. I also love the line, "The web is what you make of it."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A chase across your computer

Don't have to set this one up too much. Very cool video promoting Intel's Core i5 processor. Just as we jump around, opening up one application after the next in our daily computer lives, this spot showcases all that movement via a traditional Hollywood thriller chase scene. And all thanks, we can assume, to the speed of the Intel chip. It's a product demo that looks nothing like a product demo.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Augmented Reality

Countless sci-fi movies have portrayed it. Video games have recently embraced it. And pretty soon, it's going to have a much greater function for many of us. Augmented reality, as its commonly called, is the blending of fake and real worlds.  With the advancement and the reach of technology, it's rapidly journeying from a distant land of "Wow, wouldn't that be cool" to an everyday place in our lives. 

Here are a couple of videos, some older than others, that show how it's used and where it's headed. From testing out a new product to the filming of movies to education, there will no doubt be some very smart, practical utilizations of it. And of course, there will also be some ridiculously fun for fun-sake uses, too. Think virtual Beer Goggles or the Holy Crap, I'm on Acid! App.