Don't get the wrong idea, this 1st posting has absolutely nothing to do with lonely men and furry animals. Well, okay... maybe a little bit. This piece has already claimed viral victory with over 10 million views on youtube.
It's purpose is to hype Samsung's LED TV technology. I'm not sure it tells me anything about the TVs, but it's interesting, different and certainly an effective example of creating something that goes viral.
This second "fun with lights" spot is for Honda. It's probably less viral and more commercial because it's a little less talk worthy. Lighting up sheep is new, cars not as much. However, it's still very engaging and it delivers a message about their latest and now very affordable Hybrid car. I've also posted the very ambitious making of Honda's Let It Shine.
For a kid, there is nothing cooler, or perhaps scarier, than Santa. He's big, loud and hairy. He runs with a pack of elves. And he's constantly watching your behavior. He is also the guy who leaves a towering pile of awesome presents in your living room and flies through the sky in a sleigh. And right now, kids everywhere are wondering: "What's the Jolly Man up to?" "I wonder if he got my list?" And "I hope I don't get coal."
Thus, the website has created a unique way for people to check in with the North Pole by sending a personalized video message from Santa Claus himself. Parents create a Santa Greeting that in nice detail informs their little ones, with name and picture included, that they are being "nice" and that Santa knows what they want this year. Or on the flip side, if you're Elin Woods, you could send Tiger a special Santa message about how "not nice" he's behaved and what he'll be finding in his stocking this year... (insert joke here).
Either way, this is a very fun use of technology and creativity to bring home some holiday excitement. Click below to see a Santa video.
Chances are if you're guy, you answered one way. And if you're a woman, you went the opposite direction. Yes, this war of brain superiority has been waging for quite some time. And certainly there is no conclusive answer. However, Trivial Pursuit is attempting to shed some light on this fight with their very own online experiment.
At, you can go and try to answer an many trivia questions as you can. The correct male answers are tallied on one side, while the female ones on the other. This challenge is certain to spark debates, bragging, excuses and so on. It also does a nice job of getting people involved with a old brand/product called Trivial Pursuit. Along with every correct or incorrect answer, you are are given a funny youtube clip showcasing men and women doing not-so-smart things. You can even send a banter card to someone of the opposite sex with one of those embedded clips in it.
Watch the below promotional video. It beautifully sets up the battle. Right now the women are winning by a resounding 90,000 points. Which as a man, makes me wonder "Are they smarter or do they have more free time." Just asking the question.
As a strongly biased fan of just about everything Irish (hey, it's my heritage), I will always have a special place for Guinnessin my heart... and in my fridge. So when I saw they had a new commercial and tag line, I was instantly pulled in. And much like their very delicious pint, I was not disappointed.
The spot embodies the spirit and life that flows out of every Guinness pour. It begins with a simple action. It then builds and builds and builds. Along the way, our senses are summoned and enticed. At the finish, there is something wonderful to enjoy. Ahhh... watch this tasty commercial while I quickly head to a pub.
Dr. Elena Bodnar gives new meaning to bra support. Yes, her invention the "Bra Mask" works both as your everyday brassiere and when danger strikes it quickly transforms into protective face mask. Her multi-functioning creation recently won the lg Nobel Prize, for achievements that first make people laugh and then think.
The Bra Mask could be put to use during a fire, a terrorist attack, a swine flu outbreak or anything you've read about in a science fiction novel. And the best part is each cup separates so that you can share your bra mask with a nearby friend. It not only can save your life, but your husbands, too. Once again, it proves why breasts come in pairs. Anyhow, I'm not sure Victoria's Secret will be stocking these any time soon, but I seriously cannot wait for the Direct Response commercial. "Call now and protect the whole family with this 3 pack, "Now this is a wonder bra!" and "Don't be a boob, get your bra mask today."
Volkswagenhas always been a car company with a strong brand personality. From the Beetle to the Rabbit to the Touareg, their vehicles generally come fully equipped with marketing that is fresh, different and fun. With their latest initiative, they hold on tight to that image, however, they take an exit off the traditional car category highway and navigate their way into everyday life.
They call it the Fun Theory. It's hypothesis is that "fun is the easiest way to change people’s behavior for the better." This is certainly not a breakthrough concept, as parents have been employing this method on their children probably since the dawn of time. "Okay, grunt, here's the game, grunt. Let's see who can throw these leftover Wooly Mammoth bones the farthest from the cave." It is a new idea for a car company and so far I like what they've done. From getting people to choose stairs over the escalator (exercise never hurt anyone) to inciting a greater recycling effort, it's good stuff. Very clever. Very simple. Very fun. And these days we all could you use a little more of that, right?
This commercial for Coke Zero from Ogilvy Argentina is just too fun to not post. With great animation and catchy music, it's the happy Coke brand we know, served up in a fresh way. The music track is from PowerSolo and it's titled "Canned Love," which seems like an amazing coincidence considering Coke's often aluminum encasing.
A co-worker once boldly proclaimed to me that he liked to think outside the box. I internally chuckled and thought, "Wow, the fact that you used those 4 words makes me really wonder about that." Because as anyone in advertising knows, the phrase "think outside the box" just might be the most overused and meaningless one in the industry. So when I saw this project called Think Inside The Box, I could not help be a little cynical.
However, I quickly changed my tune as I saw what it was all about it. A little agency called Zulu Alpha Kilo from Toronto set up a BOX in Dundas Square. Inside the box, 8 of their employees sat and waited for problems in need of creative solutions. Pedestrians passing by were encouraged to bring any pressing question to the box. It was nine hours of free creative problem solving. Now this is a nice way to showcase the merits of creative folks.
I think clients often look at their agencies simply as ad creators and while that's true, we are also very much in the problem solving business. "Our competition just came out with a cheaper product, what can we do?" "We need more foot traffic!" "We changed our brand colors for the 6th time in 3 years, can you retro fit it?" Every day, we solve problems, both big and small, for clients by using our differently-wired noggins. We reinvent. We challenge the status quo. And we travel down avenues not even on others' maps. Yes, thinking outside the (I refuse to say it) is not just for fun and games, but can provide real solutions.
Below is a link to the site. Watch a promo video and see some of the creative answers they came up with.
Unless you're Dan Brown or John Grisham, publishers aren't all that likely to put advertising dollars behind your masterpiece. Their marketing plan usually reads: "You're on your own, Shakespeare!"However, thanks to youtube and the "free" factor of the internet, these days a smart viral campaign can economically truly raise awareness.
Thus, before releasing a new fictional book entitled 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher, Penguin Publishing launched a viral effort to create interest. They hired Grey Advertising, a big-time agency in New York, to make content that would build an audience. The book itself (I have not read it) is about a young girl who commits suicide and made 13 audio tapes explaining why. It's a morbid, yet intriguing concept.
Targeting young teenagers, the viral campaign consisted of sending out 13 tapes with the voice of the main character Hannah Baker. The tapes were unbranded at first to add mystery. Eventually a community of interested folks uncovered the story behind these tapes. They, like good online groupies, began sharing their find with others.
As it began getting viral, Penguin then made the campaign less puzzling for the masses with a dedicated youtube channel. These videos are haunting. And I can think about 14 reasons why if I had a teenager, I might not want them to read a book about suicide. Nevertheless, this campaign did its job. 13 Reasons Why has sold over 200,000 copies and reached #3 on the NY Times Bestseller list. And the reason why it's successful is simple. It's not because it's viral. It's not because it has a youtube channel. It's because the creative, a tape and a voice, did its job of making people say, "I want to know more."
If the radio gods where to design a station based on you and your musical tastes, what would it sound like? Well, if you haven't heard of, I suggest you go there and find out. Pandora, an online radio station, enables you to build a station based on artists and songs you love.
It's simple to use, but the technology and methodology behind it is anything but. Pandora believes that everyone has a unique relationship with music. Thus, they created a Music Genome Project which over 8 years has analyzed the makeup of songs and artists. Using this musical DNA (up to 400 characteristics), they are able to match up your designated preferences with others you likely should enjoy.
For example, I created a Keb Mo station. When I hit play, Pandora kicked things off with one of his songs followed by Taj Mahal and then some old school Eric Clapton. Pretty soon I was in blues heaven. You can skip songs. You can give them a big thumbs up or a giant thumbs down. And you can add endless artists mixing them up as your mood dictates. It's customized but not limited. Chances are you will discover a new song or artist that you absolutely love. Very cool.
With today's FM stations falling into a only handful of categories along with the fact that they play their tunes on the same tired loop, Pandora is truly a breath of fresh air.
Ah, remember the days when jogging paths were filled with elbow-and-knee-padded amateurs weaving on wheels their way to tighter buns? Yes, the rollerblading fad flew by about as fast as a 300 lb. guy descending down Lombard Street with questionable brakes.
So what happened?
Was it the token ER visits that accompanied learning this new sport? Perhaps, it was the backlash of bikers and runners? Or was it simply a victim of going out of style? My guess is that it was probably a combination of all. The rollerblading image became less of an extreme or hockey-related activity and more of a "Let's put on our bright spandex and blade over to that smoothie place for a Lo-Carb Tropical Mango Breeze" kind of thing.
Anyhow, I recently read about how in Paris, urban rollerblading is making an underground uprising. And of course, all you have to do is go on YouTube to discover exactly what's happening. One video below is absolutely insane, as severe injury or death appears to be one hidden pothole or stale croissant away. Another shows how rollerblading can be an activity for the masses. It certainly repositions some of my thinking on the sport. The daredevils performing are not en route to Starbucks for a mocha latte. This is hardcore. So will rollerblading make a revival? Will American skateboarders like our fashion designers follow this Parisian trend? Will average joes then pull out their dusty, buried-in-the-basement blades and go for a glide? Oui or Non?
Hema, a Dutch department store, brings us some fun domino-like interplay amongst a range of its store items. This webpage takes a second to begin, but once it gets going it's really quite funny. Although, I can't see any real purpose, other than entertaining its shoppers, this technique could potentially be a cool way to showcase a new product or help someone find a gift. Either way, it's a hoot.
User-generated content has long been a big buzz word for marketers and the online world. Well, has put a new spin on this concept. Tongal enables people to create connected, yet separate aspects of user-generated content all for the common goal of winning some cash. Confused? Here's a video detailing exactly how Tongal works.
This is a great way for people of varying skill sets and passions to create something together. It's also a very interesting look at how people execute differently the same idea. And of course, the winning money part is where the incentive to participate comes in. Very cool. I look forward to seeing where this goes.
Yes, Music Videos may no longer be all the rage. You don't hear people around the water cooler gabbing, "Hey, have you seen Lady Gaga's awesome new video." And MTV and VH1 frankly run more celebrity and reality footage than music. However, this does not mean that terrific videos are not being produced. Here are 3 that really push creativity levels and stand out.
1. Coldplay's Strawberry Swing. Talk about ambitious. The animation on this is all-chalk drawings. Created by a collaborative artist group, known as Shynola, Strawberry Swing makes an okay song something very memorable.
2. Here's another animated video from another big name. U2's I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight is directed by David O'Reilly and designed by Jon Klassen. This video tells the story of multiple people going a little crazy and making changes in their lives.
3. The Killers' Dustland Faireytale takes a different approach than the others. This video actually uses people. It tells a story of regret. Watching it, you understand this old man's life completely through visual flash backs. The editing is great. The story unfolds perfectly in time with the music. This is not just some song without meaning and the video helps everyone see that. It really bring the lyrics to life. Nice. This was directed by Anthony Mandler.
Unfortunately, the embedding was disabled, so here's the link to youtube: KillersVideo
I love clever uses of media. So here are 5 recent ones that hit that mark.
I actually saw this image at a bus stop, only it read "Bus Stop for Humans Only. Report any Non-humans." It definitely got my attention. I even went to to find out what this non-human stuff was all about. It's a movie called District 9 of the SciFi genre directed by Peter Jackson. The trailer's pretty sweet, so I've included that, too. Great teaser.
We've all experienced a navigational system gaffe. You know where the lovely voice politely instructs us to cross a lake or turn left into a house, right? Well, LandRover introduces the first navigation system, via an iphone app, that does this on purpose. The reason is obvious. If you have a LandRover, who needs a road? It's an App that makes a brand statement.
Now here's an advertising device I've never seen before. It's the high-rise window cleaning medium. Very cool. This would be even more hilarious and effective going up the side of an office building. Imagine a bunch of cubicle dwellers slugging out their daily reports and beholding this lovely destinations. Or even a simple message from Budweiser at 4:30pm about having a Happy Hour tonight would be perfect.
Who said the paper towel business can't be fun? Bounty owns the big spill with this guerrilla approach.
A bus billboard that changes pictures when you look at it? How very Minority Report... and innovative. Not only is this great eye-tracking technology at work, but it's a smart use of smart technology. The ad's purpose is get people to think twice about looking the other way when it comes to domestic abuse. Thus, the ad literally mimics the message. When no eyes are directed toward the billboard, the man strikes the woman.
Okay, a biscuit hole from Hardees does not sound like anything I would ever want to eat. However, that aside, I found these videos highlighting the name and the shape of this morning breakfast treat, quite hilarious.
Hardees, unlike many food establishments, refreshingly does not take their product too seriously. In fact, they go out of their way to make fun of it. They've created a website entitled And as you'll see in the videos below, they welcome your not-so-tasteful discussion of their biscuit holes. Although crass, I like how Hardees gets people thinking about and engaged with their new product. In fact, I'm trying to come up with a clever name for them right now.
So, I have a 2-month old at home and I've been quite impressed by how adept he is at holding up his neck, moving side to side and burping. Well, that was until I saw these videos from Evian. Wow, these little ones can really move.
Okay, so it's fake, very fake. Nevertheless, the execution on this viral campaign impresses the hell out of me. As I'm sure a ton of preparation and then post-work was done to make it all happen. It capitalizes on the cuteness of babies while also working to own a statement of "a natural way to stay young and full of energy."
Evian takes the bigger statement and strategy of "live young" and finds a catchy way to spread that message. Evian has a history of striking advertising and a solid brand image. However, with the many, many water choices out there and the backlash against plastic, it has lost some visibility. This campaign certainly helps bring Evian back into the minds of water drinkers everywhere. Dancing babies are nothing new, but breakdancing, rollerskating babies are a different story. Nice wok. Now, I wonder how many diapers were used in the making of these videos.
James Ready, a wallet-friendly beer poured in the Ontario area, has a proposition for you. In order to keep their product at the low, low price of one dollar, they want you to share in their media buy.
That's right, James Ready has bought a bunch of billboards and left a healthy open spot for you, too. In Wave One, the billboards ask you to "help them, help you" by making an offer for this ad space on It's here online where you can upload a photo or message of your choice for their review. Then in Wave Two, the lucky photos or message are then implemented on the many billboards along with a message of "thank (your name) for keeping our beer a buck." See below.
It's interactive. It's personal. And it still really hits their core positioning as a budget lovers beverage. Of course, you don't actually have to pay a portion of the billboard buy. That would be poor taste. James Ready proves that with the right idea and execution, the online and offline worlds can really live in harmony. Nice job, eh.
Their general website,, is also worth checking out.
Music is no doubt a universal means of communication. So what a better way to help people come together from all parts of the planet and make a change for the better than through song. Playing For Change is like one colossal virtual open guitar case asking for donations to their cause -- creating music & art schools around the world.
From big names like Bono and Keb Mo to unknown street musicians, artists of all stature and genre lend their voices, guitars, keyboards, drums, harps, washboards, and cowbells to this ongoing project. The music is soulful. The multimedia format is innovative. And the journey they've gone through to put it all together is inspiring.
The search engine war has seemingly been over for quite some time now. Google is king and everyone has to accept it, right? Well, Microsoft, the czar of a different sector of computing, has decided to see about that.
Bing is the name and helping you cut through the search clutter is the game. To introduce its latest innovation, Microsoft's advertising establishes the problem of how much time and energy we waste on search engines (ahem, Google) that lead us in the wrong direction. They then sell Bing as the solution to that very problem. Bing is not a search engine, but a "Decision Engine." I checked out Bing and I am not exactly convinced that is the case. It's a little more eye-friendly than Google, but is it a revolutionary breakthrough good enough to dethrone King Google? I'm not so sure.
I do like the Bing campaign, however. It makes me think twice about Google and the search mess that's certainly exists. And I like the thought of a decision engine. Is it all sizzle and no filet? Time will probably answer that.
Not much to say about this other than ENJOY. This video tells an age-old story of procrastination and deadlines in a whole new way. The stop motion is a very well executed and a lot of fun.
A vampire fan I am not. The sharp teeth, the aversion to sunshine and all that blood, I just don't get it. However, the latest promotion of HBO's True Blood is something I could sink my teeth into.
True Blood sprayed fake ads targeting the vampire market throughout various media. Using appropriate brands like Gillette and playing off popular campaigns like Geico's "This is the money you could be saving," the show certainly got creative to remind everyone the second season was about to start. I'm not sure I'll be tuning in, but I do think the campaign would make Dracula's CMO proud.
Plus, they've got a pretty substantial website called worth taking a look at and some nice viral videos.
ABC had the promos edited and ready to go. David Stern was giggling with anticipation. And basketball fans everywhere were all amped up for the matchup of all matchups. Kobe vs. Lebron. Only Clevelanders, well versed in the agony of defeat, and the Orlando Magic seemed to think it would be any other way.
Well, even though the cards didn't play out as expected, the latest campaign from Nike brings Lebron and Kobe together for us... sort of. Nike has created the puppet version of these 2 slam-dunking athletes. Filled with hilarious one-liners, trash talking banter and other antics, this is great, great stuff. And hopefully, for those Cleveland fans muttering "next year, next year" as they now focus on the last-place Tribe, this is a foreshadowing of the 2010 finals.
Songwriters historically have found their muse in such things as love, heartbreak, tragedy, anger, sorrow, and so on. Beyond Cheeseburger in Paradise by Mr. Jimmy Buffett, songs inspired by red meat are a rarity. That is... until now. A1 Steak Sauce brings a promotion certain to get crooners out in full force to sing about Beef.
The promotion via youtube asks you to serenade them with your best love song about A1. Posted on youtube, your song and video might not only win you some tasty steak for a year, but it could be your stepping stone to fame. Okay, probably not. But this promotion certainly should serve up some hilarious odes to meat. Just think of the possibilities.
How do you get people to think about foot fungus? See the above shoe. Nasty? Yes. Disgusting? For sure. Effective? You bet. That's a fungal work of art from Lamisil. Smooth Ice. Smooth shave. This is a perfect marriage of machinery for Gillette.
Okay, so I'm not sure I want to find myself on the beach staring at this guy's very pale ass. However, I enjoy the clever device of discarded clothing to draw one's attention. Fiji certainly contrasts nicely with the surrounding environment.
Not sure this ad tells me anything new, but it does deliver its message in a way I've never seen before. The print piece reacts to UV rays, showcasing who does (the semi-tanned female) and does not (the lobster-red guy) use Sundown sun block. Pretty cool.
This is such an excellent use of advertising space, I just want to break out into a jig... at the Camden Irish Music Festival of course.
At a time when many packaged goods are simply cutting back on price or quantity, Sun Chips is doing something very different. They're cutting back on waste. Their new packaging, displayed in the time lapse video below, is an innovation in garbage. So when you're done scarfing down their crunchy goodness, you'll feel okay tossing away the bag... in a trash can of course.
Sun Chips has also teamed up with National Geographic to give Green Thinking people the chance to spread their earth-friendly ideas around. The Green Effect promotion inspires one to submit his/her best idea for green change. Online viewers and a panel of judges will review these ideas and $20,000 will be awarded each to five winners. These 5 folks or groups will also be profiled in National Geographic and travel to Washington, D.C., to share their projects with environmental leaders. See more or submit your idea at
A chip company probably won't save the planet. (That's Al Gore's job right) However, this bite-size move certainly steps in a nice direction. Simple. Smart. And yeah, it should help sell some product, too.
Now here is a wonderful way to get people interacting with your brand in a positive way . This ever-changing McDonald's billboard, set up in Piccadilly Circus, acts as a hilarious backdrop for the many camera-toting tourists making their way around London. While the other signs hang there like wallpaper, this one reaches out to all those around and says, "Let's have some fun."
If you want to measure it's effectiveness, just look at all the laughing faces. Bloody brilliant.
When a commercial makes you feel a little sick to you stomach and it's not an ad for KFC, Taco Bell or any other food product, it's probably doing something right. This spot for ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes) details the brutally sad reality of what's happening to kids all over the world.
This spot made me both very mad and sad. Not sure it'll stop the sick people who enjoy this kind of thing. Hopefully, it can help raise awareness and money to help stop these criminals, their networks and the idiots downloading such crap. From a storytelling point of view, this commercial does its job very well.
Full Disclosure: I love the game of baseball. And despite certain aspects of today's national pastime (ahem... new Yankee Stadium, its sushi bar and that 3rd baseman of theirs currently on the DL), I always get jazzed about the prospect of hearing the crack of the bat, grabbing a hot dog & cold beer and watching guys do what I wish I could. Play ball.
Anyhow, this latest campaign "Beyond Baseball" from the MLB plays into the passion many of us have while also bringing some real humanity to a game that's taken its hits. Hello, steriod scandals. It's fitting that the one spot features a very much not bulky Tim Lincecum. also has a dedicated "beyond baseball" webpage where fans can learn more about the lives of players... not just their stats. I really think MLB has hit a homerun with this... not a Barry-Bond type of home run, but more like a Kirk Gibson walk off.
Introducing a breakthrough video to introduce a breakthrough TV, Philips and their new 21:9 Cinema LCD have struck gold. The below film is beyond cool. Not only does it provide serious eye candy, but at their website the video goes interactive. It lets you compare the ratio difference of 21:9 vs. 16:9. At certain touch points, you can access additional features such as the director's take on the role of lighting or a little lesson on post effects.
The education they give on shooting all relates directly to the key benefits of this TV. From its size to its lighting to its picture quality, the Philips Cinema was created to bring the full movie experience home -- the way the director wanted you to see it. Very cool. Now could Philips please donate one of these to my house? I simply can't live the 16:9 way any longer.
Ah, remember the days when you'd walk out of your home, look around and spy your many competitive neighbors mowing, trimming and edging their lawns. How times have changed. These days, you're more likely to watch your now-foreclosed neighbor skedaddle out of town while his once beautifully manicured lawn turns into a lovely shade of "really dead" brown.
Well, some clever folks now have an answer -- for you, your neighborhood and that troubled bank trying to sell their very vacant home. You can do what Californian David Milligan did. He bought some eco-friendly dye, got a sprayer and quickly transformed his neighbor's yard from a foreclosure brown to a buy-me green. More and more communities likewise are using this technique to maintain some semblance of vitality. You know what they say, "Necessity is the mother..."
Below are 5 out-of-the-box ways people are getting their message to the people.
It's always a good idea to put yourself in some one's shoes before passing judgment, right? Well this outdoor campaign for the Weingart Homeless Campaign helps you put more than your stinkin' foot. It draws attention. Gets people interacting. And probably most importantly, makes you think a little.
One the lighter side of things, here's a great playful piece from YogaOne. It's different. It's something worth holding onto. And it just might cause you to share with others. Now that's an idea that stretches itself. Ha!
The only landmines we may ever worry about are the ones inconsiderate dog owners let lay on the pavement. However, in other parts of the world, these maiming devices are a serious, serious problem. This campaign and its unique execution from Unicef brings visibility to the issue in a powerful way.
Ah, flea season is here. How do you remind people to give their pets their meds? How about a huge floor mat like this? It certainly gets attention and I'm sure a few photo ops as well.
Okay, here's an outdoor ad begging you to rip it off. With vinyl stickers, this ad from New Zealand Insurance is created to be thieved in order to prove its point. Original. Fun. Interesting.
1) People at the water cooler can recall full lines of copy from your ad.
2) It gets parodied.
3) The outtakes get nearly 4 million views on youtube.
E-Trade has achieved such status with their hilarious webcam baby. Here are the outtakes if you haven't seen them yet. And no I haven't heard anything yet about Madonna adopting him.
Okay, I generally loathe lame puns so please take this title with the knowledge that I don't think it's remarkably clever. I found this Schweppes spot fun, interesting and very well executed. It's simply a spot that is enjoyable to watch over and over. And how many commercials can you say that about?
Before releasing their seventh studio album, Dig Out Your Soul, Oasis decided first to bring these new tunes to the streets of Manhattan. But instead imitating bands like U2 and play live themselves, Oasis came up with a more brilliant guerrilla tactic.
The group enlisted the help of a small army of street musicians. They gave this ragtag group the sheet music for four new tracks; they helped them practice the new songs and then they sent them out to spread -- that is sing, strum, rap, blare and beat -- the news of this new album.
I find this concept brilliant not only for its originality, but it embodies a spirit of musicians helping other musicians. It brings these notoriously pompous, egomaniac rock star characters down to earth a little and gets after the root of it all. And hell, if their tunes can sound good in the corner of a train station with nothing but a tambourine, a cow bell and beat-up acoustic guitar, well...
And from a marketing standpoint, it makes me want the album. It just does.
Okay, so you're about to launch a brand new company and you're tossing around a million and a half ways to spread the word and get your name out there. Well, a new creative agency in Amsterdam called Nothing has a fresh way to accomplish just that.
Yes, first of all, their name is unusual. However, more interestingly, when Nothingwent to build their new office, they decided to create everything out of cardboard. Cardboard desks, cardboard cubicles, cardboard walls, cardboard stairs, cardboard tables... you name it and it's cardboard. Anyhow, the idea of decor as brand or company positioning is an interesting one.
Walk through any office and you'll get a general feel of its essence. Some are minimalistic. Some are cozier. Some are purposely not flashy. The cardboard look jives nicely with the name "Nothing," helps establish the personality of the agency and no doubt constructs a nice platform for PR. Potential clients may come by simply to see the setup.
However, this agency best be careful at any office holiday party. One intoxicated tumble from a heavy-set employee could ruin the place.
Didn't make it to Florida this year for your annual romp in the sun? Or have you just been spending too many hours in the pasty-skin inducing office? Well, here's your answer. It's Just log on and let this break through technology turn your skin into something of which George Hamilton would stare in envy.
Okay, so this is a total spoof. It's actually a PSA to remind everyone the dangers of UVA rays from the Karen Clifford Skin Charity. As a viral PSA, I find it very effective. The below video is purely a teaser to draw you in and get you to journey to the website. It has a nice, simple purpose and does just enough to make you wonder what this is really all about. Once you commit to figure that out, they've got you.
And from my honeymoon in Greece a few years back, I can tell you that Europeans need all the reminding they can get about burning the bejesus out of their skin. Well done.
Forget your 401K and its devastating disappearance. Forget the housing market and all its shambles. Forget the banks, the Madoffs, the bailout, AIG, the Blagoviches, pensions, airlines, and the many, many other things you might deem a crisis.
Instead, think about the top of your head and the crisis that may be occurring up there. Yes, there is a male hair crisis sweeping the nation. Okay, maybe now isn't the best time of worry about the good or bad hair days. However, Axe has launched an interesting interactive way to get hair advice and let guys know that women (the ones you're trying to impress) really do care about that bed head look of yours.
How exactly do you make getting hair advice for men tolerable? Well, at the Hair Relief Crisis Center, Axe has set up a on-camera moderator along with 100 women judges. You, the male wondering if your dome is in need of hair relief, simply upload your photo and wait for the women's vote. Do you get a 10% hair approval rating or a 95%? The Moderator then makes suggestions on how to help your hair with various Axe products. Problem/Solution at its finest.
To ramp up holiday sales, Staples held a sweepstakes where 10,000 people would win their purchase. And to advertise this promotion online, they created this character called Coach Tom to spread the word. Coach Tom is a cross between the Chris Farley Van-Down-By-The-River Motivational Speaker and every high school gym coach ever. Coach Tom believes in life there should be ONE and only ONE winner, which is why he cannot understand Staples' promotion. Coach Tom's quite entertaining, too. Not sure how Staples' holiday sales were, probably not great, but this was a fun campaign and hopefully Coach Tom will live on. The 3rd one is his Winning Manifesto, pretty great.
Auckland City has a walking problem. Well, actually they have a walking into cars problem. Yes, too many pedestrians had been getting injured so they decided to bring attention to the problem precisely where the problem was occuring. This 3D sidewalk execution helps deliver the message of "walk safely" in a way you can't miss. I wonder though how many people tripped and fell trying to avoid the mighty bite of the great white?
It's the "I'll do anything for money" Show. And to promote it, here's a naked guy doing anything for money. He was commissioned to hit various media agencies to hype the show. Gotta love European TV. Everybody has a secret. That's the premise behind this interactive guerrilla promotional campaign for HBO's Big Love. This mural of everyday pedestrians was put up in New York and LA. It allows real pedestrians to put on museum-style headphones and listen in to the inner thoughts of those in the mural. From someone with a drinking problem to another preparing to leave his pregnant wife, it's a interesting way to get attention and hype this year's show which has its own set up intriguing characters with deep secrets.
As a man, I'm not totally aware of the benefits of a quick drying nail polish, but this clever sculpture of sorts surely does its job. This piece by Rimmel is eye-catching, interruptive and fun. And it tells you the benefit of the product.
What is it with sharks and today's blog? Anyhow, I thought this was a very toothy way to let it be known Discovery Channel's Shark Week is coming. Not only does it draw a major look, but it makes me think of others shows or products that might be worth promoting via the rickshaw bike. How about John and Kate plus 8? Take a ride with screaming kids. Or perhaps a hat store like Lids? Or how about the remake of John Travolta's The Boy in the Bubble (if it ever happens)?
The hype was big. The ads were expensive. And the biggest winner in my book was... The Boss. Yes, in an age of lip-synching, studio-created pop jokes, this 59 year-old legend showed a thing or two about live music. The man has enough energy to make the Arizona Cardinals think about adding a roster spot for him. Maybe, just maybe, he could have caught Jerome Harrison on that 100 yard interception romp into the endzone?
I am a fan of Bruce and you may think this particular blog has little to do with marketing or trends, HOWEVER, there is something a marketer could learn from a guy like Bruce. Thus, I've detailed out 5 things we all could go to school on from Bruce and his performance.
1) Engage the audience. Right after he took stage, Bruce looked straight into our living rooms and told us exactly what to do. "Put down those chicken wings... walk over your TV and turn up the volume." He knew what his viewers were up to, spoke to that and got them involved right away.
2) Adapt. Bruce changed the lyrics of Glory Days because the venue was the SuperBowl. He not only gave fans a new twist on a old favorite, but he embraced the event at hand. Very smart.
3) Love what you're doing. There's nothing worse than watching a performer mail it in or robotically go through their routine. Bruce does not know how to do this. And advertisers should be the same. Look at a brand like Pedigree -- they've gone from a dog food company to a company that loves dogs. Loving what you do really goes a long way.
4) Be genuine. Standing the test of time is a most difficult task in any business, but especially the music business. Fans and consumers will be loyal to those who don't change for a quick buck, lower their standards for a easier way or rest on their laurels.
5) Don't make it all about YOU. Bruce certainly is the boss, but his accompanying cast of Clarence Clemons, Patti Scialfa, Steven Zandt, Max Weinberg are always given plenty of props and time to shine.
The Boss is a brand, but you'd never think of it that way... which again is something any marketer should aspire to create. So here's to Bruce, my non-football related SuperBowl winner.