Monday, October 6, 2008

Silence the Stain

Tide To Go
, the little Stain Stick that helps messy eaters and the spill prone everywhere, made a splash at last year's Super Bowl with a very well done Talking Stain spot. Now they've unleashed the idea for all to expand upon with a create-you-own-talking-stain contest. You can go to to see some of the videos. The above Rapping Stain, by John Michael Sy a 26-year-old local accountant, took home the grand prize after beating out some 230 contestants.

Plus, you can add your own picture into the original commercial. See below. I added a picture of my son. This truly is technology and creativity joining forces in a fantastic way. The tagline may be "silence the stain," but the campaign is anything but.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tim, these are just fabulous marketing/ad fodder for inspiration. I love out of the box marketing, advertising and publicity ideas and these are just fun, fun, fun! Thanks so much for sharing!