Friday, May 22, 2009

Thinking Green

At a time when many packaged goods are simply cutting back on price or quantity, Sun Chips is doing something very different. They're cutting back on waste. Their new packaging, displayed in the time lapse video below, is an innovation in garbage. So when you're done scarfing down their crunchy goodness, you'll feel okay tossing away the bag... in a trash can of course.

Sun Chips has also teamed up with National Geographic to give Green Thinking people the chance to spread their earth-friendly ideas around. The Green Effect promotion inspires one to submit his/her best idea for green change. Online viewers and a panel of judges will review these ideas and $20,000 will be awarded each to five winners. These 5 folks or groups will also be profiled in National Geographic and travel to Washington, D.C., to share their projects with environmental leaders. See more or submit your idea at

A chip company probably won't save the planet. (That's Al Gore's job right) However, this bite-size move certainly steps in a nice direction. Simple. Smart. And yeah, it should help sell some product, too.

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