Thursday, March 5, 2009

Get a tan while you work

Didn't make it to Florida this year for your annual romp in the sun? Or have you just been spending too many hours in the pasty-skin inducing office? Well, here's your answer. It's Just log on and let this break through technology turn your skin into something of which George Hamilton would stare in envy.

Okay, so this is a total spoof. It's actually a PSA to remind everyone the dangers of UVA rays from the Karen Clifford Skin Charity. As a viral PSA, I find it very effective. The below video is purely a teaser to draw you in and get you to journey to the website. It has a nice, simple purpose and does just enough to make you wonder what this is really all about. Once you commit to figure that out, they've got you.

And from my honeymoon in Greece a few years back, I can tell you that Europeans need all the reminding they can get about burning the bejesus out of their skin. Well done.

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